Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2011

I went to our local 911 dedication today.  It is a tribute that our city has been doing every year since 911.  There is a flag for each of the victims of 911.  It is quite an awe inspiring scene.  As a part of the 10th anniversary they added a card to each flag that gave a brief bio on the victim.  I felt a special pause as I took my daughter to see the dedication.  She is only 6 years old and was obviously born after 911.  It makes me very thankful to all that serve our country and have chosen to put their lives on the line for our freedom.  My heart is heavy for all of the families that have to live without one of their family members as a result of the tragedy on this day in history.  All I can say is Thank you and God bless!



© Cris C Photography